What motivates you?
A key piece to the healthy living puzzle is motivation. What keeps you motivated to stay fit? What inspires you? If you have not found something that truly motivates you, then you may not be reaching your goals. Finding positive ways to self-motivate will greatly increase your chances living your healthiest lifestyle.
For me it’s a combination of things…I do it for my husband. I know he loves me even on days when I am disheveled, un-showered, and covered in baby spit up, but I feel an obligation to make him proud (and in full disclosure, I want him to think I’m hot). I also do it for my kids. I want them to know the importance of having strength inside and out. I want them to live their lives to the fullest, and having a fit body and mind will help them do that. Lastly, I it for my work. Knowing that my clients are looking to me for guidance and inspiration keeps me going. I want to set a good example for them. So I guess you can say I do it all for love! The love of my husband, my girls, and my work.
I started asking around to see what inspires my staff, clients, and friends. Here is what they said. Maybe you will find something that resonates with you?
Look good naked! – Matthew Tanner from Chicago, IL
To maintain a body that will have longevity. – Mary Griffith of Alexandria, VA
My kids. I want to set a good example and also be healthy for them. – Liz Gould Zito from Brooklyn, NY
The way it makes me feel! I know that even a quick walk or stretch and good food today will make a world of difference tomorrow. And secondarily, knowing my clothes will still fit. I love my clothes. – Patricia Shepard from Hastings on Hudson, NY
Working out helps me clear my mind of all my daily worries and focus on feeling my muscles move, making sure I have good form, and sweating out all the negative energies of the day. – Nicole Smith from Ashland, OR
To have more energy and sleep better at night! - Torie Woods from Albany, NY
If I eat something naughty then it pushes me to try to undo the naughtiness. – Katia Billings from Brooklyn, NY
Fear of getting old. – Anonymous.
When I see other people getting in shape that inspires me to do the same. Then again, when I see chocolate cake, I'm inspired to eat it. – Noel Heberling from Nutley, NJ
Having a better body than I did before kids! – Hillary Carter from Greenwich CT
Having the strength to throw a heavy weight over my head makes me feel sexier than any pair of heels in my closet can! – Melissa Tanner from Chicago IL
Not looking like a super model, but just being able to carry the groceries. – Anonymous
Being a faithful caretaker of the body God gave me in order to fulfill the responsibilities He has given me and to be thankful for it!– Carol Chao from Dobbs Ferry, NY
The feeling of accomplishment when I set a fitness goal and meet it and the increased energy after a workout motivate me to stay healthy/fit. – Wendi Bean from Pleasantville, NY (and MBF trainer)
I feel I am the most committed to my own exercise when I have a vacation planned, an event to attend, or anything in particular that would necessitate me working out more. – Devin Thomas from NYC (MBF trainer)
The way I motivate myself to workout used to be from an “avoidance” place and now it is coming more and more from an “approach” place. I.e. my old thinking was, I need to work out because I want to AVOID gaining weight. My new thinking is I want to work out because I want to APPROACH (reap) all the amazing benefits that working out has to offer my health (body, mind, and spirit). – Kati Cowardin from Brooklyn, NY (MBF trainer)
Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live...:) –Angela Aiello from NYC (MBF trainer)